Contact US Descaler Directly: (828) 237-1409 or email
    “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy,
    and vibration."

    understand why impulse frequencies solve mineral scaling problems, saves energy, and why by ignoring the issue impacts the environment

    - Nikola Tesla

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    S O M E D A Y

    It will be unusual for a home or company not to have a mineral descaler

    our technology SOLVES this problem

    hard water minerals (calcium and magnesium) bond to each other and to everything it touches; this leads to pipe blockages, bio-film, corrosion due to embedded rust particles, increasing energy demands, and a perpetual strain in the environment linked to greenhouse gasses (GHG).

    Research by the Department of Energy (DOE) and other independent studies have proven the link between wasted energy consumption and shortened equipment lifespan with mineral scale as the common component.


    T O D A Y

    10 minute installation


    mineral scale formation by changing their molecular shape

    scale and rust build-up using 3-32 KHz impulse frequencies

    against future corrosion as a result of electrophoresis

    Visaka Industries Textile Division (Spinning Plant)

    read more
    gsecl mineral descaler power plant
    Models: K-25 | K-50 | K-250
    Location: Nagpur, Maharashtra (India)
    Installation Area: Cooling Tower and Air Handling Unit
    multiple product portfolios ranging from corrugated cement sheets, fibre cement boards, hybrid solar roofs and manmade yarn.
    KASHYAP: impulse frequency descaler
    To remove existing scales and fight further scale deposition in a AHU Nozzles Before Kashyap mineral descalers were installed at the company's Textile Division; the Spinning Plant would have to deal with very high mineral scale content/ hardness level of 29 GPG (500 PPM). After the Kashyap installation when mineral hardness content would reach as high as 57 GPG (975 PPM) all piping, nozzles and AHU sheets woudl strill be clean and free of scale build-up.


    Installed Models:

    1 x K-250
    11 x K-50
    2 x K-25

    The purpose of installing the Kashyap mineral descaler was to:

    • Prevent mineral scale deposits
    • Prevents from loss
    • Improve heat exchanger efficiencies
    • Reduce Air Handling Unit (AHU) sheet, pipes and nozzles maintenance and cleaning costs

    After a few months the Kashyap mineral decalers were able to soften the cooling tower and AHU’s nozzles; scale in the pipes become soft and maintenance crews could remove the existing scale build-up with normal brushing.

    Visaka mineral descaler remove hard water scale
    K-50 Model
    Visaka mineral descaler remove hard water scale before
    Before installation


    Visaka impulse frequency mineral descaler remove hard water scale

    Visaka impulse frequency mineral descaler tableBefore Kashyap installation heavy scale depositions on 29 GPG (500PPM) of hardness level, but after Kashyap installation, on 57 GPG (975 PPM) of hardness level all piping, nozzles and AHU sheets are clean. *On 20th day (975 PPM) a blow down was initiated; meaning there was an 80% water change in the AHU tank (Air Handeling Unit).
    science of impulse frequency technology
    us descaler logo white with lineEnvironmentally friendly impulse frequency technology to prevent, clean and protect buildings and equipment from the destructive influence of mineral scale and rust buildup.
    us descaler slogan white with line

    remove scale and rust pipe cut in half

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